What is Clog Dance?
Clog Dance is a percussive Dance form developed in Appalachian region with dancing done to the downbeat of a song using metal jingle taps or double taps.
*We offer classes for ages 11 and up
What is Tumbling?
Tumbling is considered floor routines involving primarily flips but beginning with introductory skills such as rolls, somersaults, straddle sits, tuck jumps, bridges, cartwheels, etc. and eventually progressing to round-offs, flips, aerials, back handsprings, back tucks, etc..
*We offer classes for ages 4-12
"Available Class Offerings during our regular season are listed on our "New Registration" page.
The "New Registration" page will post on Monday, December 16th!
If your class of interest is not available please email us at Quiana@diversemoves.com to be added to the waitlist.
Please include: Parent/Guardian Name, Student Name, Age, Class interest (Hiphop, Tumble or Clog), and Phone number
*****There is "No Charge to be placed on a Waitlist*****